As a leading producer and packer of eggs, our hens and their well-being are at the heart of everything we do here at birdbros. With over 50 years industry experience, we’re committed to providing eggs for the UK market today, and for generations to come.

Our goal is to exceed the required UK standards and deliver a value-added approach that enhances our hen’s welfare.

How are eggs produced in the UK?

In the UK there are four production methods for housing laying hens. Enriched colony caged and free-range make up around 90% of the total UK flock with barn and organic free-range making up the smaller minority.

birdbros currently supply over 350 customers each week with eggs from enriched colony caged and free-range production systems.

However, as part of our new Vision 2028 plan, over the next five-year period, we will move away from colony cages entirely.

To learn more about this development click here.

How are eggs produced in the UK?

In the UK there are four production methods for housing laying hens. Enriched colony caged and free-range make up around 90% of the total UK flock with barn and organic free-range making up the smaller minority.

birdbros currently supply over 350 customers each week with eggs from enriched colony caged and free-range production systems.

However, as part of our new Vision 2028 plan, over the next five-year period, we will move away from colony cages entirely.

To learn more about this development click here.

Caring for our hens

Our hens are housed on farms where care and support is provided by dedicated stocks teams who look after them at every step of the way. We rear day-old chicks into 16 week old pullets on our rearing farms, and ongoing investment in these facilities means we rear the healthiest chickens.

Once our pullets come of age, we move them into our laying houses where they are cared around the clock. The stocks teams monitor housing and conditions, with a particular focus on temperature, humidity, and food & water supplies. In addition, they manage our vaccination programmes to ensure the highest standards continue to be met.

The team also liaise regularly with external poultry consultants who provide staff training and updates on product innovation and other recommendations.

Additionally, the farm management team works in collaboration with experienced feed nutritionists to manage our bespoke feeding rations that optimise flock health and egg quality.

Caring for our hens

Our hens are housed on farms where care and support is provided by dedicated stocks teams who look after them at every step of the way. We rear day-old chicks into 16 week old pullets on our rearing farms, and ongoing investment in these facilities means we rear the healthiest chickens.

Once our pullets come of age, we move them into our laying houses where they are cared around the clock. The stocks teams monitor housing and conditions, with a particular focus on temperature, humidity, and food & water supplies. In addition, they manage our vaccination programmes to ensure the highest standards continue to be met.

The team also liaise regularly with external poultry consultants who provide staff training and updates on product innovation and other recommendations.

Additionally, the farm management team works in collaboration with experienced feed nutritionists to manage our bespoke feeding rations that optimise flock health and egg quality.

Continuous Improvement

We go further.

birdbros produce 60% of the eggs we supply with the remaining 40% coming from local farmers who share our passion and commitment to providing healthy and tasty eggs. Beyond our day-to-day efforts, our sites are regularly inspected by poultry veterinarians and independent external auditors to ensure we maintain high standards of welfare and compliance.

Every egg that comes into our Packing Centre is fully traceable so we can tell exactly when and where it was produced, even down to what the birds were being fed that day. This process gives us greater control over our eggs and ensures that we're always providing the consumer with the best quality eggs.

Continuous Improvement

We go further.

birdbros produce 60% of the eggs we supply with the remaining 40% coming from local farmers who share our passion and commitment to providing healthy and tasty eggs. Beyond our day-to-day efforts, our sites are regularly inspected by poultry veterinarians and independent external auditors to ensure we maintain high standards of welfare and compliance.

Every egg that comes into our Packing Centre is fully traceable so we can tell exactly when and where it was produced, even down to what the birds were being fed that day. This process gives us greater control over our eggs and ensures that we're always providing the consumer with the best quality eggs.

Our experience...

For over 50 years, the company has consistently invested in the latest equipment and housing, ensuring our birds are looked after to the highest standards.

As part of our Vision 2028 plan, we will continue with this philosophy and ensure that standards across all our sites are maintained through on-going development and training.

It's a hen's life.

Our experience...

For over 50 years, the company has consistently invested in the latest equipment and housing, ensuring our birds are looked after to the highest standards.

As part of our Vision 2028 plan, we will continue with this philosophy and ensure that standards across all our sites are maintained through on-going development and training.

It's a hen's life.


We are proud that all of our rearing and laying farms are British Lion code accredited and our free-range farms are certified to the exacting standards required to comply with the RSPCA Assured scheme.


We are proud that all of our rearing and laying farms are British Lion code accredited and our free-range farms are certified to the exacting standards required to comply with the RSPCA Assured scheme.